Saturday, June 14, 2014

Who do you trust with your children?

Hello all. I have been MIA for a while...sorry. It has been a very busy past few weeks. B, E, and I traveled to Germany and France for a 2 week vacation, then returned to pack up our home, then moved to a temporary place for a few days, and then journeyed back stateside for a short respit at my mom's for a couple weeks before traveling to our new home...Guam! (You can read more about that here.) Wow! It sounds even more crazy as I type it out.

So this post is mainly for the Mamas and Papas out there, but I would love to still here from those who may have insightful information to share on this subject; both personal and professional.

Who do you trust your little ones with? This goes from simply who do you feel comfortable with your children being around, to who do you trust leaving your child with?

I feel that I grew up in a time where all adults were trusted and it was not considered rude to tap someone on the shoulder during a neighborhood cookout and say, "Hey, please don't curse like that, my kids standing right here and can hear you", without fear of being punched in the face or convicted of prohibiting free speech. Can we say, "Times have definitely changed." We know now more then ever that all adults cannot be trusted. By saying this I don't mean that they all were trustworthy in the 80's and 90's. But we see daily on the news and through social media that even family members cannot be trusted. We are able to see more easily that predators of all kind lurk in each and every corner of our society...from your Pediatrician's office, to your local police, even your home church. So, what are we as parents left to think?
Are you a worrier (like me) who pretty much does not leave their child with anyone? Do you happen to have a close group of really trusty friends or family that you feel hands-down comfortable leaving your off-spring with? Do you have one set of grandparents you wouldn't hesitate leaving your babes with for a whole weekend, yet others you wouldn't let keep an eye on your kids while you went pee?...Do you feel completely freaked about placing your kids in daycare or church childcare? Have you pulled your kid out of a daycare? Please share with me your thoughts. I'm really curious. I feel this is a topic we don't openly discuss much in detail as parents, but all think about on a daily basis.

I would love to do a follow-up post about this, where I share your responses and stories as parents or as children (growing up) left in the care of really trustworthy or untrustworthy caregivers and the affect it's had on you and/or your parenting. 

I couldn't publish this post without adding a photo from our Euro trip.

Until next time....


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