Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Ideas for Free Fun at Home with Crawlers and Toddlers

Leonardo da Vinci said, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” I say, “Amen; preach it!”

When we found out we were pregnant, we were living in a 234 sq. ft. mini house. You read that right. That was including the bathroom. When we were thought we may have to stay in the house we tried to figure out what were the most important things a baby would need. God faithfully provided a bigger space for us a month before our big boy came, but we decided to keep it to a minimum anyway. We actually decided to try and always keep it to a minimum. So, here are a few of the fun things M and I have discovered while living in our new little Texas home. I thought I’d share just a few of the hits because sometimes when I look for free ideas for home playtime… they’re not always free.

(If you're at all curious about our little house a few years ago in Puerto Rico, you can check it out here. I enjoyed watching a few older videos. Isn't it amazing how God uses every experience to teach and mold us. Anyway...)

M loves whatever mommy is looking at, so one of his favorite things is mail! When we get junk mail, I try and figure out what I can let him do with it besides just let him tear it up (which is fine too.) One day, I had an empty egg carton. I balled up 12 sheets of junk mail, and…WOW!... it was like CHRISTMAS to M! He LOVES that “toy.” It can be independent play time or we make it a game where I fill it up and he takes them out while I count out loud. Free, easy, and simple.

We keep our board games behind our recliner, and we have some playing cards back there as well. It turns out that M loves getting into the playing cards. The first time he got into them I was frustrated, but then I figured he could help clean up. We had a bucket, but any bowl (I often use oatmeal or coffee containers) work, so we practiced picking up cards and throwing them in the bucket. We do it with EVERYTHING now. Blocks (I got some at a garage sale for $2), table coasters (soft ones), and even just colorful washcloths. No new things necessary. See a stinkin' cute video for your viewing pleasure right here

My husband and I only have one car, and three days a week he works 12 hour shifts, so M and I have to have some daily vices so that we don’t feel stuck. He loves just looking outside, so sometimes we do that together and point out everything. Birds, playing kids, dogs, etc. Now that’s it’s nice we take at least one walk with the dog each day along with going outside without the stroller to throw a ball or just feel the wind and sunshine. It doesn’t sound like much, but it’s the little things, right? As we approach M’s first birthday, I’m reminded to continue to treasure every moment. They go by so quickly.

This place is an extreme blessing!
If you have access to a rubber bottom park, go there!
It's perfect for new little walkers.

Even the simplest of lifestyles still have smart phones these days, and many smart phones have selfie capabilities. M LOVES selfies. We don’t do much technology (very little TV and electronic toys), but we take selfies! It’s like a mirror that you can flip back through, and he loves it! Sometimes when he’s having a rough time and I can’t figure him out…a selfie saves the day. I’m serious, people. Simple.

Selfies AND outside...Chickaaa Whaaat?!
We live on the WILD side. 
 If you’re new to the idea of homemade “toys” know that dried beans or rice inside of anything that you can close is ALWAYS fun. My metal mixing bowls basically belong to M. Boxes are seriously some of the most amazing entertainers, and if you’re close to the end of a toilet paper roll...what’s it hurt to let the little one roll it on out. M loves that too. I did not invent these ideas. I know a lot of you mamas out there have a ton more than these, but I also hope at least one was something someone can use on one of those long days during the time between dinner and bedtime. That's the longest sleepy stretch at our house. 

These were at his Gammy's house while we were getting ready to move to Texas!
Yay! Boxes! 

Free. Easy. Simple. Kiddos truly don’t need much more than someone willing to teach them. If there’s a will, there really is a way. M does have store-bought toys; they’re wonderful, but they’re not necessary. Have fun with your babies! Now, go and play! Enjoy! 


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