Thursday, May 29, 2014

Post Memorial Day Reflection on Jesus

I've been a believer for a long grade school. I didn't truly understand it though until a play about the Columbine shooting when I was in middle school. During it, the young lady who is famous for dying when standing up for her faith meets Jesus, and He says, "Well done, good and faithful servant." I decided then and there I would do everything I could to hear the same things when it's my turn.

Through this life's journey with Christ I've always had a struggle with the common focus of the crucifixion: Jesus' death. I thought that as horrible, terrible, and painful as it was, He wasn't the only person ever to be crucified. He had people on either side of him that same day even. I struggled with the many martyrs and Christians who faced persecution through the years and also endured awful, long-lasting torture. I contemplated the many soldiers who willingly marched themselves into war knowing they'd probably never return. It bothered me because, physically, Jesus wasn't the only one to sacrifice His life.

But then, during a Secret Church by David Platt (Don't stop reading if you're super theological and happen to not agree with his perspective!), God spoke to my heart and opened my eyes. Jesus has not been the only person to give His life, but He IS the only one in the history of history to sacrifice all of the things He did. Check it out, and consider...

This one-of-a-kind Savior left heaven (a place of perfection and beauty) to come live a life in a world unworthy of His presence. He not only put up with the world, but He lived a humble, hardworking life rather than be doted and served.

When Jesus died, He took on every sin of every human on every continent in every century past, present, and future. That means He felt every emotion associated: guilt, shame, fear, regret, anguish, and, as all of us humans know, the list goes on.

After taking on the sins of the world, His great and mighty Father, who He is One with forever and always, turned His back on Him for a time...a horrible time. Jesus didn't just die for me and you; HE WENT TO HELL FOR US. So that we would never know the torment. And we are the ones who cheered to put Him there!

What a sacrifice!

Memorial Day has come and gone this year. As a granddaughter, daughter, and sister of veterans, I have witnessed my loved ones lose people they served with and loved. It is painful knowing that so many men and women have left behind families and friends entirely too soon. They are to be remembered and honored.

On days set aside to remember sacrifice, I would implore you to lift up prayers for the members of the families who were left behind. In the same prayer, consider Who it is that's listening. And thank Him. Thank Him for the men and women that He created with innate desire to connect to a power greater than themselves. Thank Him for all of the wonderful traits He left in humankind despite of the fall of man. Thank Him for courage, bravery, sacrifice, and freedom.

Thank Jesus Christ for living in a human body. Thank Him for feeling all of our painful emotions, experiencing hell, and then...thank Him for conquering it. Because He did. That's another thing that makes Him entirely different; He conquered death. He is risen. Jesus is God, and GOD'S NOT DEAD.

It's an absolute honor to live in a country that has men and women who fight for freedom so that we don't have to. Be grateful for it. It is also an absolute honor to call Jesus Christ a Father, Lord, Savior, and Friend. If you don't, consider it. If you live in a land where you are free to worship openly, many dads, moms, brothers, daughters, coworkers, and friends have given their earthly lives to accomplish God's plan for that freedom. Use it wisely.


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